/etc/security/pam_env.conf: No such file or directory

by 햇빛소년 posted Jun 18, 2012 Views 30442 Likes 0 Replies 0


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위의 메세지에서 다음과 같은 (ftp trouble) 에러 메세지를 발견하였다.



I'm install Plesk on OpenVZ virtual machine under Centos 5.2.
I have trouble with FTP connect on server. When I connect from TotalCommander I see empty page.
In logs on server I see this message:

proftpd: Deprecated pam_stack module called from service "proftpd"
proftpd: pam_env(proftpd:setcred): Unable to open config file: /etc/security/pam_env.conf: No such file or directory
proftpd: Deprecated pam_stack module called from service "proftpd"
proftpd: pam_succeed_if(proftpd:session): error retrieving information about user 0

But this file is present with permitions 644.

I try connect to active and passive mode, and get no effect.





에러메세지 해결


1.  아래 첫번째 방법은 실패 --->  ftp 접속실패 (/var/log/secure) 확인 해 보삼


# cat /var/log/secure |grep proftpd

Jul 23 11:06:12 249115 proftpd: Deprecated pam_stack module called from service "proftpd"
Jul 23 11:06:12 249115 proftpd: pam_env(proftpd:setcred): Unable to open config file: /etc/security/pam_env.conf: No such file or directory

I fixed removing the
/etc/pam.d/proftd and making new one with


아래의 내용은 OS나 버전마다 다를 수 있겠다. 알아서 판단 하시길...

# cat ftp
auth required
/lib/security/pam_listfile.so item=user sense=deny file=/etc/ftpusers onerr=succeed
auth required /lib/security/pam_pwdb.so shadow nullok
account required /lib/security/pam_pwdb.so
session required /lib/security/pam_pwdb.so

위의 분홍색 대렉토리 추가

restarted xinetd daemon and FTP works again.  


2..  아래 두번째 방법은 성공 --->  ftp 접속성공 메세지 (/var/log/secure) 확인 해 보삼

The issue is from incorrect /etc/pam.d/proftpd calling up depreciated function.

Change it to this:

session optional pam_keyinit.so force revoke
auth required pam_listfile.so item=user sense=deny file=/etc/ftpusers onerr=succeed
auth required pam_shells.so
auth include system-auth
account include system-auth
# Comment the following line if you are having PAM issues with chrooted users
#session include system-auth
session required pam_loginuid.so



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