
The ClamAV Plugin --> clamav.cf , clamav.pm

by 햇빛소년 posted Jul 07, 2013 Views 15272 Likes 0 Replies 0


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The ClamAV Plugin

This plugin submits the entire email to a locally running Clam AntiVirus server for virus detection. If a virus is found, it returns a positive return code to indicate spam and sets the header "X-Spam-Virus: Yes ($virusname)".



loadplugin ClamAV clamav.pm
full CLAMAV eval:check_clamav()
describe CLAMAV Clam AntiVirus detected a virus
score CLAMAV 10
add_header all Virus _CLAMAVRESULT_


package ClamAV;
use strict;

# version 2.0, 2010-01-07
#   - use SA public interface set_tag() and add_header, instead of
#     pushing a header field directly into $conf->{headers_spam}

# our $CLAMD_SOCK = 3310;               # for TCP-based usage
our $CLAMD_SOCK = "/var/run/clamd.basic/clamd.sock";   # change me

use Mail::SpamAssassin;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger;
use File::Scan::ClamAV;
our @ISA = qw(Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin);

sub new {
  my ($class, $mailsa) = @_;
  $class = ref($class) || $class;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new($mailsa);
  bless($self, $class);
  return $self;

sub check_clamav {
  my($self, $pms, $fulltext) = @_;
  dbg("ClamAV: invoking File::Scan::ClamAV, port/socket: %s", $CLAMD_SOCK);
  my $clamav = new File::Scan::ClamAV(port => $CLAMD_SOCK);
  my($code, $virus) = $clamav->streamscan(${$fulltext});
  my $isspam = 0;
  my $header = "";
  if (!$code) {
    my $errstr = $clamav->errstr();
    $header = "Error ($errstr)";
  } elsif ($code eq 'OK') {
    $header = "No";
  } elsif ($code eq 'FOUND') {
    $header = "Yes ($virus)";
    $isspam = 1;
    # include the virus name in SpamAssassin's report
  } else {
    $header = "Error (Unknown return code from ClamAV: $code)";
  dbg("ClamAV: result - $header");
  $pms->set_tag('CLAMAVRESULT', $header);
  # add a metadatum so that rules can match against the result too
  return $isspam;


How To Use It

First of all, you need to install ClamAV and ensure that scanning a mail with clamscan works.

Second, you need to install the File::Scan::ClamAV perl module.

Finally, save the two files above into the /etc/mail/spamassassin/ directory. You can adjust the default score of 10 in clamav.cf if you like. You should edit the clamav.pm file and change the setting for '$CLAMD_SOCK' to match where your ClamAV installation has put its named pipe.

Restart the spamd daemon if you're using that, and you should be all set.

If you'd like to sort virus emails to a separate folder, create a rule looking for the "X-Spam-Virus: Yes" header.

To get a different score based on virus type, see ClamAVMultipleScores.



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